2019 China-ROK (Weihai) Innovation and Development Forum on Trade in Services held

2019-08-22 10:42:27BY:guoyan
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(DRTT News) “2019 China-ROK (Weihai) Innovation and Development Forum on Trade in Services” was held in Weihai, Shandong Province on August 18, 2019, under the guidance of Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC) and organized by China Development Press. The theme of the Forum was “Rooted in China and the ROK, Orienting to the world: Making New Ground in Pursuing Opening Up and Cooperation on All Fronts”. Long Guoqiang, Vice President of the DRC; Park Seung-hyun (박진웅), Consul-General of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea; and Mei Kebao, former Deputy Director General and Deputy Secretary of Communist Party Committee of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine attended the Forum and delivered keynote speeches respectively. Zhang Haibo, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Weihai delivered a welcome speech.

Long Guoqiang, Vice President of Development Research Center of the State Council delivered a keynote speech.

Park Seung-hyun (박진웅), Consul-General of Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Qingdao delivered a keynote speech.

Mei Kebao, former Deputy Director General and Deputy Secretary of Communist Party Committee of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine delivered a keynote speech.

Zhang Haibo, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Weihai delivered a welcome speech.

In the session of Address and Keynote Speech, Xian Guoyi, Director General of Department of Trade in Services and Commercial Services of Ministry of Commerce; Lv Wei, Deputy Director of Department of Commerce of Shandong Province; and Jeong Ji Hyeon (정지현), Chief Representative of Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) Beijing Office made speeches respectively. Bao Yueyang, President of China Development Press and Chairman of Development Research Think Tank of China (DRTT) presided over the session.

Bao Yueyang, President of China Development Press and Chairman of Development Research Think Tank of China presided over the Address and Keynote Speech session.

Then the Forum carried out in-depth discussions on three themes of “Leading the Innovation and Development of Trade in Services with High-level Opening Up”, “Linking Four Ports, Making New Ground in Pursuing Opening Up”, and “Opening China-ROK’s New Prospects of Trade in Services Together”. Keynote speeches in the three sessions were delivered respectively by Zhao Jinping, former Director General of Foreign Economic Relations of the DRC and Chief Economist of the DRTT;Im Byeong Ik (임병익), Director of China Innovation Economy Research Institute in the Republic of Korea; Jia Jingdun, Director of Torch High Technology Industry Development Center of Ministry of Science and Technology; Runze Yu, Chief Consultant of Client Relationships and Project Planning at Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); Qu Weixi, Vice President of Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of Ministry of Commerce; Jin Xu, President of China Association of International Trade of Ministry of Commerce (CAIT); Cha Gyu Tak, CEO & President of SK Lubricants; Luo Bencheng, Director of Information Strategy Consulting Department of China Waterborne Transport Research Institute; Diao Ruifu, Inspector of Weihai Municipal Bureau of Commerce; Sun Sishen, General Manager of Weihai Port Group; Tang Huadong, Deputy Office Director of Counsellors’ Office of the State Council; Kim Yeong Jae (김영재), Partner of Ma Lin Jiang Law Firm, China Representative of Truben Investment, Chinese President of International Cultural Friendship Association; Xie Yanfeng, Shandong Managing Partner of Deloitte, and Fan Weihong, Deputy General Manager of Strategic Investment Center of R&F Group.

Zhang Qi, Director General of Research Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the DRC; Zhao Jinping, former Director of Foreign Economic Relations of the DRC and Chief Economist of the DRTT and Zhang Shiyu, President of the DRTT presided over three sessions of discussions respectively. President Zhang Shiyu also made a conclusion of the Forum.

The Forum was organized by the DRTT and supported by Department of Commerce of Shandong Province and the People’s Government of Weihai in Shandong Province. Over 200 delegates, including the officials from relevant ministries of China and the ROK, corresponding representatives of international organizations and institutions, scholars and experts of think tanks, representatives from relevant local governments and media attended the Forum.